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Are you not satisfied with the performance of your present SEO company?

Most of the companies or small business owners coming to us are full of doubts, questions, and are hurt badly for trusting their previous SEO company. They feel that something is not right with the present SEO company. It feels like they have not reached their search of finding a right SEO company. And, believe me when I say we have to go through a terrible ordeal while dealing with such clients with such a bad experience before.


They are very suspicious, full of nervousness, but nevertheless full of hope. And, this Hope can be taken for granted in many ways. After listening to your past experiences clearly and loudly with such SEO companies, you would be assured in many ways that you might feel that you are at the right place this time.

Be Smart While Choosing an SEO Company

Either you would be presented with their common and traditional pattern of dealing with each clients, adding the best of their testimonials, and their presentation might look quite good that you are impressed to just hand over your entire website marketing campaign to them with another positive hope. And, over a period of time, may be days/months, you again realize that they are not performing upto the mark. This becomes again a new mess to deal with, and really a never ending process that keeps you shifting to a new SEO company after a period of time.

F rustratingly, you end up thinking about an SEO company and start finding alternatives or feel like, “What if I could give it this much time, I would have definitely done it by myself.” As, what a lot of people had learnt finally from their bad experiences. But, practically, you would want to put that time to deal with your business/clients.

Reviewing Campaign from the Previous SEO Company

Let us share one of our experience dealing with such clients or business owners. Recently a client reaches to us through Google and he had been through the same experience earlier that he was confused if he really needed an SEO company to help him with the rankings. Though few of his keywords were ranking in top 10 but not giving him the actual return-on-investment. So, our team went into action and collectively came up with many reasons why it could not be working for him. Also, the traffic volume graph was found to be high on analytics but something was not right with the campaign as the conversion seemed to be so low.

Did they choose Non-converting Keywords?

We found that the keywords he chose for SEO were not meant to give him business at all. They were so relevant to his business, but they were lacking to create business for him. For instance, one of his keyword was Hypnosis NYC, which had really good searches, and giving his sites good clicks but comparatively very few businesses. He had put all his efforts to bring that keyword in top 10 just because it was relevant and it had good searches. Now here’s what we suggested him. We suggested him to focus on service based local keywords which were having less searches but sure shot conversions. And, this really worked!

Finally the New SEO Campaign works!

After 6 months when his keywords started appearing in the top 10, he was so happy with the results. He noticed his website analytics and Goal conversions comparing that high volume keyword and the low volume locally searched service based keyword. And, he was surprised to see that the lower volume keyword was bringing 85% conversions for him whereas the high volume keyword was fetching either spam or mostly non converting queries to his site. We also created sales funnel for him to get the conversions done from the best of such leads.

In most of the cases we find that Volume, or ranking should not be the prime motto of any SEO company. They should instead, work on getting the perfect keywords researched that have the higher potential of giving most of the conversions, not just query or traffic. As a conclusion, an SEO company should be able to dig out the factors that were lacking with the study of previous SEO company of that client, that they were not able to get him the real business.

Tips to get Started with a new SEO Company

We would suggest some factors; you should keep in mind while finalizing with an SEO company:

1. Do not stuck to their stories or testimonials, take it forward to find out the technicalities that would actually help to construct a result oriented marketing strategy.

2. Take a deep breath and patiently understand their plan and strategy and find out by yourself if they are missing anything.

3. Do not commit for any contracts like 6 months or an year. Just give it a try working with them, and test their skills and check the reports if they are doing submissions on high authority links. And, check the approved links. One or two months should be enough to see if you have the positive signs to keep going with them. Though ranking takes time but focusing on their approach should help in making decision.

4. Confirm if they are putting their emphasis on quality articles, checking plagiarism or just using them as provided by the writers. Content matters the most. So compromising with its quality is like compromising with the user’s & search engine’s readability.

5. Do not fall into trap of cheap packages or silver, golden etc. packages. An SEO company should be able to rank your site at any cost. Rankings should not be bounded with any such package. However, the price may increase based on the number of keywords and contents required, so as the activities involved.

6. Ask them to provide you the initial analytics report. And, finding the factors that are lacking in the present/previous campaign that needs to be worked out. So that you would be able to track/compare their improvements in the future reports.

7. Ask them to provide you the resources where they would be performing backlink formation or other submissions. Make sure they have customized resources specifically from the similar industry and mentioning the parameters like Domain Authority, Page Authority, MozRank, Page Rank, and location based on IP address.

8. Review the keywords thoroughly that they suggest you to finalize for the SEO campaign. And, make a little research on your own related to keyword monthly searches volume, competition, conversion probability, present ranking etc.

9. If required ask them to show the analytics or rankings improvements for other clients. And, that should be visible through some tools like Google Analytics, Ahrefs, Moz etc.

10. Overall, test their patience, their initiative and observations, in-depth study of your case, relate their explanations and communications, with their testimonials and website analysis. Make sure they do not contradict with what they commit and what they are expected to deliver.

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